Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Impact Effects Screenshots

The playable tech demo is on the way.  For now, take a look at these screenshots of the previously-mentioned bullet impact effects.  Lighting was turned off so they're more visible

Both of these were basically just me going nuts with unlimited ammo.  It's unlikely that you'll see this much dust in-game since you have very little ammo.  

This shot is perhaps a little more realistic.

And just for fun, here's a shot of the same room with lighting turned on.  As you can see, there are some added textures since the last screenshots.  And if you look closely, you'll notice that the light bloom now actually casts light rather than just colored halos (a little hard to see).


  1. Isn't that effect a bit ... you know ... too much? Unless fired in bigger ammounts, bullets usually don't let so much dust loose when fired into a wall. The only situation I see that happening is on the other side of the wall (where bullet emerges.) Or with some bigass bullets :D

  2. Well that's probably true. I might tone it down a little. However, the point here is to give an impression of power and impact, not necessarily to be completely realistic. It's part of trying to make every bullet feel powerful.
